

写这篇字前我竖了middle finger在眼前晃了晃,给自己watch过了。

It would be funny that occasionally acted as a role that I do disliked. 说起来我笑点还蛮低的,这个烂idea在head里灵光一闪,我就已经在chair上laugh得人仰马翻了。一个人,在room里,大day的,不太normal, like a



说起来我也算是蛮努力的了,in spite of 我的English until now还很poor,可断断续续也persevere下来了。Watch 美剧是每天have to的,从双语渐渐到英文,再渐渐到无字幕,很hard很吃力。Washroom里放一本原版English novel,有time就看a little part。


几天前和friends一起去美乐迪飚song,电梯里瘟鸡示意我们别出声,他call他wife,准备lie to her。电话接通,他刚叫了声老婆,lift door opened,门外美乐迪的迎宾服务生大声喊到:welcome to美乐迪。瘟鸡捂phone都来不及啊,正好被电话那边他老婆听去,估计当时就被吓到peed his pants了。丫只好顺坡下donkey,叫他老婆join us。人人捂着肚子笑到rush out of the lift。

他老婆摆着黑face随后到,整个晚上瘟鸡under control,犯了鸡瘟再不敢搞怪。

OMG,欠削指数number one 五颗星就数这篇了。这样的玩意儿若被武汉的陶唯倩陶狮姐look到,一定跑来撕了我的skin。

I don’t like that one article was conposed of two languages. It was excusable if someone lived abroad for many years that caused one to get this habit. On the contrary, not many understand and it would be confused people. That annoying things deserved a middle finger.

I showed a middle finger to myself before I write.

It would be funny that occasionally acted as a role that I do disliked. This silly idea kept me rolling with laughter at the thought. Maybe I lose my mind just like a lunatic.

Does anyone want to bite me? Then there we go!

In spite of my English is still poor, I persevered. Every day I insist on watching American TV series, read an English novel in my leisure time. In a manner I’m a good student.