试着将自己以前的一篇文章译成英文。 If by any chance there are ghosts in the world, then how many stuck in the abandoned house where across the river. It is a ...
试着将自己以前的一篇文章译成英文。 If by any chance there are ghosts in the world, then how many stuck in the abandoned house where across the river. It is a ...
我梦见,饥饿的唇撕裂开来, 在薄暮中悚然昭示, 而后我醒来, 发现自己躺在冰冷的山坡边。 因此,我逗留在此, 孤独黯然地游荡, 纵然湖中芦苇已凋零, 纵然已无鸟儿鸣唱。 ——(节选)译自John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci ——by John Keats I saw their starved lips ...
My husband had a dream which was he climbed a mountain with his friands. They suddenly noticed, while half way up the mountain, that the sky ...
Since my decayed tooth haunt me for a long while, I made a decision that I'd have to have it pulled out. In a lovely day, ...
今天上午在健身房遇到一位外国朋友,当时我正准备使用她身边的动感单车,她主动用中文告诉我说:这个,不好,那个,好。 我这个激动啊,这可是我第一次认认真真和老外朋友交流呀。记录下来做个印记。 我:“Thank you, how’s your feeling?” 她:“so tired, and you?” 我:“me too ……..I ...
A frog, clockwork toy, was winded up jumping around cheerfully. He was unaware his destiny which would be abandoned by his owner who do not want ...
A wood chair, was made by my grandfather who had passed away many years ago, had a red horse body and two black eyes. My grandfather ...
杀不死的人狼 文:Aiming 翻译:麦秸儿(试着翻译老公的文章其中的前言部分) 在写这段文字之前,我已经阅读过种种关于《人月神话》的文字。评论者既有刘天北这样的美食家,试图在书页中夹点胡椒面以慢慢品味,为了表现食客特有的风格,他的书页都比别人数得仔细。也有marktsen这样的速食者,试图几句话就打发了自己或者读者那漉漉的饥肠。 阅读这些文字给我带来的收获是:面对《人月神话》,除了表示五体投地的诚服,你既不能做正面言论(那是多余),也不能做负面言论(那是找事)。 这是一本可怕的书。 我大概花了三周的时间来细读这本书— ...
On my way which is across the forest toward the foot of the hill, everything happened here faded away. I knew that the memory about this ...
这是我曾经写过的一个梦境,诡异的梦。一年前曾试图翻译成英文,但自觉难度太大而放弃,现在慢慢译出来,准不准确没人在乎,我努力了。 I had more than once come over to the only one lone village which was on the hillside. Whatever ...
我梦见,饥饿的唇撕裂开来, 在薄暮中悚然昭示, 而后我醒来, 发现自己躺在冰冷的山坡边。 因此,我逗留在此, 孤独黯然地游荡, 纵然湖中芦苇已凋零, 纵然已无鸟儿鸣唱。 ——(节选)译自John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci ——by John Keats I saw their starved lips ...
Every city have more or less the traffic jam. In rush-hour, cars were lined up bumper to bumper on every road. Everyone is afraid of being ...
The blue sky was overspread with clouds which look like cotton candy. The sunlight pierced the clouds and covered almost everywhere. Heat waves from the sun ...
I had bad sleep since moved in hangzhou. New surrounding, new place, new pillow, especially the mattress which’s as hard as turtle shell, made it ...
The spring sunshine is bright. A variety of colorful kites in the blue sky. Stray cats had had new generation. Some little figures strolled around bushes ...